The Makapu'u trail is actually just a long walk around
Makapu'u point to the lighthouse. The trail starts on the hill just before Makapu'u
lookout. You can't miss the gated paved road as you round the bend heading away from
Sandy Beach.The hike snakes around Makapu'u point to the lighthouse on the other side
of the hill. is along a paved road. There are some historical interests along
this hike and you can make it a bit more adventurous by checking out all the bunkers.
Date: October, 1998
Time Duration: 1.5hours...cruzing, taking in the sites...
Difficulty: Green
Danger: Only if there's an invasion
Notes: I had to do this hike because my knees are still trying to recouperate and
I wanted to get in some exercise. I would say it's a good starter of a hike because
it isn't long, isn't too tiring and there are still some pretty nice views!'s preeeetty hot out there!